Jocelyn атты бірінші анықтамасы

Jocelyn атауларының анықтамасы: бұл атау басқа тілдерде, емле және сұраныс нұсқалары, аты Jocelyn.

Jocelyn мәнін анықтаңыз

From a Germanic masculine name, variously written as Gaudelenus, Gautselin, Gauzlin, along with many other spellings. It was derived from the Germanic element Gaut, which was from the name of the Germanic tribe the Gauts, combined with a Latin diminutive suffix. The Normans brought this name to England in the form Goscelin or Joscelin, and it was common until the 14th century. It was revived in the 20th century primarily as a feminine name, perhaps an adaptation of the surname Jocelyn (a medieval derivative of the given name). In France this is a masculine name only.

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